By Marcus Conte May 9, 2020 [with UPDATES]
Have you every been stalked before? Has a perfect stranger every taken extraordinary measures to make you the center of their life? Well, it happens all the time. Especially on YouTube; stalkers go to great lengths to get your attention then accuse you of incomprehensible and illogical online conspiracies. Youtube supports this type of degenerate behavior claiming these army of trolls are a sort of ‘self governance.’ Some trolls even sue — even if it means they get laughed out of the courtroom. Because for them it’s not about justice. It’s about the thrill of something more nefarious that we regular people don’t understand. What really drives a stalker? Read this and you’ll know.
Also tracking convicted stalker Thomas Schoenberger, online antagonist Daniel Cromer (Leppo), fake researcher Steve Outtrim and Christian extremist Jacquelyn Weaver.

Enter Stalker,
There are good people in this life, and there are bad. It’s important to know the difference. I like to think of myself as a good person. Someone my Grandmother would be proud of. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks the same. This is the story of two self-centered trolls who were raised the wrong way: 59-year-old disinformation agent George Webb, and his creepy 60+ year-old brother Dave Acton (A.K.A. D. George Sweigert, Dave Sweigert).
These are two of the most dishonest people I have ever met.
Recently you heard George Webb accuse an innocent mother-of-two and US Army reservist Maatje Benassi of being COVID-19 Patient Zero. Webb falsely accuses Benassi of starting a global pandemic; A.K.A. being the first human to carry CoronaVirus to Wuhan China. This totally bullshit story basically turned the women’s life upside down. With no proof to back it, Webb pushed the insane allegation on YouTube and then in red China where the video is especially popular with the Chinese government. More than anything else, it demonstrates how menacing George Webb & co. are. Webb does not do journalism at all but practices schizophrenic character assassination; just like his demented brother Dopey Dave Acton.
Both Webb and Acton are public figures. Both have their own YouTube channels, and Acton has a propaganda website that fraudulently presents itself as a court portal [SDNY]. It’s a lot of schizophrenic nonsense over there. If you’re looking for truth, you won’t find any. Because both brothers are constitutionally incapable of telling the truth.
In 4 short years, George Webb has created over 4000 delusional YouTube videos where 98% of what he says is proven to be complete bullshit. As well, Dave Acton has spent 1000’s of hours composing frivolous ‘legal papers’ that target dozens of his perceived enemies. Much of his malicious paperwork gets filed by him in Federal court – under penalty of perjury. Hopefully a judge will throw him in jail someday.

As well, schizophrenic Dave has published 1000’s of 5-minute stalker videos on YouTube. At any given moment, Acton is stalking 4 or 5 different people, and in every situation he claims to be the victim. He attacks everyone around him – including his family. Here is a collection of over 100 stalker videos Dave Acton has directed at this reporter. Without any evidence, Acton accuses this reporter of dozens of nonsensical crimes and misdemeanors. All the while YouTube does nothing to stop it.
Based on some of Acton’s lude-stalker videos several whistleblowers reported him to the FBI and other authorities for his purported role in the Port Neches, TX chemical fire. Did he set the fire? Who knows – but Acton certainly bragged on YouTube several days before describing in detail the idea of blowing up a port city in Texas using a flame throwing Drone. [WATCH]
Read what two Federal Judges have to say about one of Dave Acton’s frivolous lawsuits. A final Judgment is pending…
“This Court is all too familiar with this litigation between “two pro se litigants [Sweigert Goodman] whose occupations appear to consist chiefly of concocting outlandish conspiracy theories and accusing one another of criminal conduct and other misbehavior on the internet.”
(8/3/20 Order, ECF No. 140.)”
SDNY CASE # 1:18-cv-08653 D. George Sweigert vs Jason Goodman
Exhibit 1 | Exhibit 2 | Exhibit 3 | Exhibit 4
As well – bad people have bad friends. Here are another 30 or so stalker videos targeting this reporter. These videos were produced by Dave Acton’s psychotic business chum Thomas Schoenberger. Schoenberger is a full time grifter and convicted felon (for stalking) in the state of California. Acton has not been convicted yet but is well on his way. Dave Acton and Thomas Schoenberger are birds of a feather. They are criminally inseparable.

Hoffman v. Schoenberger
According to Dave Acton, schizophrenia runs in his family. His father had it, and so do the kids. The problem for everyone else is the destructive and unpredictable behavior these two psychopaths unleash. To get close to either one of them is to speak directly to their mental illness. Within moments of contact you encounter a preposterous world of counter-intuitive lies and propaganda. Up becomes down – and down becomes up. None of it makes any sense.
Some people are tortured by their own thoughts. They follow every thought as if it were a real life experience. A person who has a condition on the schizophrenia spectrum will experience delusions and paranoia. These delusions give rise to fear that others are plotting against them. People like George & Dave have an extraordinary history of paranoid thoughts and ideas. The result is a disproportionate amount of time spent thinking up ways to protect themselves from their perceived persecutors.
Both George and Dave have taken their illnesses to the next level. Both are self-centered in the extreme. Acton is a pot smoking recluse who claims to live in a RV on the back roads of Rough & Ready California. He does not show his face in his videos and nowhere on his website does his name appear. Webb on the other hand is a cellphone-wielding freeloader who spends his days mooching off middle aged women.
Though mental illness does not make you a ‘bad’ person, combining it with poor intention is lethal. While fighting off their inner demons Webb and Acton routinely harm others inadvertently. Both brothers appear to never have been taught the difference between right and wrong. They trespass against everyone they meet.
For example, in a 2017 paranoid rage Dave Acton publicly threatened to ‘destroy’ the lives of his two brothers (George & Bobby) and their combined 7 children. Only a severe mental defect could explain why Acton would publish such criminally insane material on YouTube.
On his self-style website, Dave Acton generates 100’s of pages of lies, disinformation and ineffectual humor. He harasses and burdens dozens of strangers with unwanted and obsessive attention. He even attacks federal judges. In his most recent frivolous lawsuit Acton accuses Federal judge VALERIE CAPRONI of being involved in a plot to hide wrongdoing by the FBI. Without any evidence, Acton accuses the presiding judge of felony corruption.
08/20/2019 – VALERIE CAPRONI, United States District Judge: [Judgment]
“This is a frivolous dispute between two litigants [Sweigert & Jason Goodman] whose voluminous court filings rehash their incomprehensible and illogical online conspiracy theories…All told, the parties have filed over twenty frivolous motions in short order…Plaintiff’s affidavit claims that the Court is biased…that the undersigned [judge] is interested in burying this lawsuit due to Plaintiff’s claims of possible wrongdoing by FBI agent(s).”
George Webb and Dave Acton are part of a sick YouTube troll-community built on a foundation of mental illness. The illness itself is what drives George Webb’s agenda, and on Dave Acton’s own admission the illness is Schizophrenia.
The point is: as a result of these two online charlatans there are scores of mentally challenged trolls who mirror their behavior; they attack reporters, team up with like-minded hacks and stalk people. They often do a lot of harm before they are stopped. Here is a shortlist of some of the most prolific stalkers in the group. They are all part of the same Webb/Acton right-wing conspiracy nonsense. They are convicted stalker Thomas Schoenberger, online antagonist Daniel Cromer (Leppo), fake researcher Steve Outtrim and Christian extremist Jacquelyn Weaver.

If we could put all of these bad people in a box and make the box disappear that would be a really great trick.
Yours, in the Truth,
–Marcus Conte
This is Lost interview of Dan Cromer the Stalker (Leppo the Larper) by Marcus Conte. This is the video Cromer a librarian living in New Mexico desperately doesn’t want you to see. It seems to confirm Cromer is both crazy and or high on drugs. As well, it demonstrates he is definitely a promoter of fake defamatory LARP propaganda that has elevated dangerous stalkers like D. George Sweigert (Dave Acton) and Thomas Schoenberger to new heights.